Thursday, February 18, 2010

100th Day Celebration

As per Mrs. Hartsfiled, we will be celebrating the 101th day of school on Monday, February 22, 2010. For homework please have children complete a 101th day project. Be creative and have fun with your child. On Monday, we will be writing, reading, breathing 101. Ask your child to share with you what activities they participated in.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Report Card Distribution

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Today attached to your child's homework is the schedule for report card distribution. If you can not adhere to the time given please let me know what time you can meet, so I can plan accordingly. I am looking forward to catching up with all of you to discuss your children's accomplishments so far and so we can set new goals in order for your child to soar into the second grade.

I would like to inform you that the first grade classes will be putting on a play in the month of March. Please help them read and memorize their parts.

Congratulations to those students that passed the math midterm!! Kudos to you all!!!!