Friday, January 29, 2010

The Shining Stars

Dear Parents,

Please help us celebrate school pride week by allowing your child to participate in the following activities:

February 1, 2010- Crazy Hat Day
February 2, 2010- Blue and Gold Day
February 3, 2010- Backwards Day
February 4, 2010- Crazy Socks Day
February 5, 2010- Dress Up Day
I would like to take this time to give a shining star to the following students for an outstanding job on the unit 4 math test;
Amber Andino with 94%
Jayvon Brown with 97%
Amma Appiah with 91%
Ariyana Henderson with 82%
Taneshia Tucker with 100%
Chanel McKnight with 97%
Tyra Smith with 100%
Tysha Height with 82%
Ahmad Richardson with 97%
I congratulate you and your child for a job well done!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Welcome Back !!!!!!!!
I'm glad to be staring a new year with my shining stars!!!

Thank you to all the parents who sent in money for the book fair!!!
The orders will be placed today!!!
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery...
I would like to give a birthday shout to Chanel!!
Happy Birthday!
Please continue to check and sign your child's homework.
We must continue to work hand in hand to ensure that your shining stars light does not burn out!!!!!
Mrs. Ressurreicao